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Thinking outside the box.

That’s exactly what the team here at Displays 2 Go faced, as we entered into isolation as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost overnight the events industry disappeared, and there are few who know what it will look like when it comes back. 

Are Exhibition Apps all they are cracked up to be?

The creation of exhibition apps are pretty much the norm these days for most large events but are they being used by attendees and do they give exhibitors a return on their investment? 

The latest trends in exhibition stand design

Designing an exhibition stand should be a moment to have some fun and certainly an opportunity to get excited about branding and brand experience. This is your opportunity to shine, to attract customers, and to ultimately sell your products or services. 

How to get the best results from backlit displays.

Using backlit displays – that is, a display with lighting behind the graphics – is one of the most powerful ways to add style and attention-grabbing appeal to your displays. It’s now cheaper than ever to produce high-quality, cost-effective backlit displays with powerful graphics to go with them.

event spaces

Exhibitions and trade shows continue to be a great way to showcase your brand and products, and their popularity continues to grow. Why? Because having all the right companies and services in one place is still a fantastic way to explore, network and discover.

Can we make the exhibition industry sexy?

For hundreds of years businesses have been creating and attending exhibitions because they are one of the best ways to showcase products to consumers or the trades. 

Expert Help When You Need It.

Exhibiting at a show takes a lot of planning, organisation and time. But even the best laid plans can go wrong.

colour matching

Colour is something we often take for granted. Whether it be the colour of the sky, the greeness of the grass, or the way colours react with each other, we all see colour in different ways. However, our eyes can be extremely sensitive to subtle variations in colour. 

How Virtual Reality (VR) Affects The Way We Do Trade Shows and Exhibitions

As a business exhibiting at trade shows or exhibitions, one of your key objectives is invariably to stand out and capture the attention of potential customers. However, this is becoming harder and harder to do, particularly within highly competitive industries.

What’s trending right now..?

A trend is a general direction in which something is developing or changing. It is something that people are attracted to, they resonate with and are drawn to because they find it attractive or useful.
