Artwork can be supplied directly by you or your graphic designer, or if you prefer we have an in-house graphic design department to prepare your print-ready artwork.
If you'd like pricing for graphic design simply send us a brief of requirements and we'll be happy to estimate for you. When you're at the checkout page simply advise us which option you prefer.
For general instructions regarding file formats, artwork set-up, bleeds, and options for sending us artwork please be sure to review our artwork file specifications before preparing your print files.
The prize wheel is supplied disassembled, and takes a few minutes to assemble when using for the first time.
Check here for the full range of prize wheels.
We can print and fit a customised graphic to align with the 14 segments on the wheel - simply add this option at checkout.
Note pricing includes printing and fitting of the artwork but not graphic design for the print file - you'll need a graphic designer for that! You can use your own designer or engage our design studio to create your own piece of artwork.
This product is typically in stock and available for immediate shipping.
Enquire about the Counter Top Prize Wheels
If you have some custom requirements or would like a quote or specific information, complete this form and we will contact you.